Congratulations! Your Order Is Almost Complete.  But before you get started…

[Break-through] How We Get Up To 95% Opens & 1000s Of Clicks/Day By COMBINING The Power Of

ChatGPT + Email, SMS, & WhatsApp

Into A Single Autoresponder WITHOUT Writing, Restrictions Or Monthly Fees!

Instantly 10x Your Reach & Sales - Upload UNLIMITED Contacts, Send UNLIMITED Emails, Message, WhatsApp Texts WITHOUT Manually Writing Anything In Seconds!

Skeptical? Watch Video Below For Real Proofs:


Extended - Price Turns MONTHLY RECURRING Soon!

  • Dominate your market & get upto 95% open rates across all channels.
  • Be one of the 1st to use ChatGPT-Powered autoresponder & achieve success faster than anyone else. 
  • Upload Unlimited contacts, send Unlimited email, sms, Whatsapp broadcasts.
  • Affiliate friendly platform - get full control, no bans, no restrictions
  • Intelligent AI Chatbot That Writes Unique, High-Converting Emails, Texts & Messages In Seconds!
  • NEVER SEEN BEOFRE - Capture leads for Email, SMS & Whatsapp with our 3-In-1 Auto Opt in Tech all at once.
  • Save tons of time on writing emails, managing different dashboards, and tracking results.
  • Save THOUSANDS of dollars on MONTHLY Autoresponders & Copywriters
  • Low 1-time price during launch period
  • Commercial license allowing you to sell multimarketer campaigns for clients for high profits!

Ready For Massive Traffic & Commissions? Start Here:

Instantly Reach Out To 90% Of Your
Subscribers And Skyrocket Your Traffic & Sale


Upload Your Existing List Or Collect Leads Using Our 3-in-1 Auto Opt-in Tech For Email, SMS, Whatsapp.

Use Our ChatGPT powered algorithm to write unique, high-converting, sales getting messages & emails in just seconds.

Broadcast our Messages & Emails Across ALL Channels Instantly With A Single Click. Skyrocket Your Profits & Grow Your Business 24X7!

Instantly Reach Out To 95% Of Your
Subscribers And Skyrocket Your Traffic & Sale


Upload Your Existing List Or Collect Leads Using Our 3-in-1 Auto Opt-in Tech For Email, SMS, Whatsapp.

Use Our ChatGPT powered algorithm to write unique, high-converting, sales getting messages & emails in just seconds.

Broadcast our Messages & Emails Across ALL Channels Instantly With A Single Click. Skyrocket Your Profits & Grow Your Business 24X7!

Hey, Did You Notice?

It's Becoming HARDER &
HARDER To Sell Online!

If you have been trying to make a living online, you know it’s not easy. 

There is just too much noise, too much distraction, too much competition.

There are too many different marketing channels, the attention span of your customers is decreasing and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to reach them. It has become extremely expensive to acquire a lead, let alone a customer.

If you don't act fast now, you'll be left behind in this new A.I. digital world.

You NEED a better, FASTER way to reach
and Engage with customers at scale

Without Breaking The Bank

For so long, email marketing was the BEST way to reach out and convert your customers.

It still is - but the results are a fraction of what they used to be.

The Email Autoresponders just DON'T CARE about marketers like us anymore, they BAN us, they RESTRICT us, they LIMIT us in our reach. 

I am sure you have faced the same problems too.

The Truth Is: Love It Or Hate It

You Just Can't IGNORE

Email! It’s still the HIGHEST converting,
HIGHEST ROI form of marketing in 2023!

But you can no longer rely on it as your only strategy.

You need to leverage other platforms, and the closest to email is SMS & WhatsApp.

Because just like email, SMS & WhatsApp are direct channels to your target audience.

They are proven to be the FASTEST, most engaging forms of communication that get your message through and actually convert to sales.

Here're some stats for SMS & Whatsapp

 And Why MUST MUST Include Them 
In Your Marketing Right Now

Why WhatsApp?

  • There is a 99% open rate for messages sent on Whatsapp, meaning businesses get better returns when compared to other mediums.
  • WhatsApp has the highest click-through rate of any marketing channel, with an average of 8%.
  • Response rates on WhatsApp are higher than any other communication medium, including email and SMS.
  • With the ability to integrate payments and e-commerce, businesses can generate more sales directly through WhatsApp.
  • Customers are more likely to engage in two-way conversations using WhatsApp due to its user-friendly interface and familiarity with messaging apps.

Why SMS?

  • SMS messages have an incredibly high open rate of 98%, compared to just 20% of emails.
  • 90% of SMS messages are read within three minutes of being sent, making it one of the quickest ways to reach customers.
  • Response rates for text messages average 45%, which is significantly higher than other marketing channels like email or social media.
  • Adding SMS marketing to your strategy can increase customer engagement by up to 10%.
  • SMS messages have a 200%-400% return on investment (ROI), meaning that businesses will see great returns from their campaigns if done correctly.

Clearly, getting on board with SMS & WhatsApp
is no longer an option, it's a MUST. 

But here's the problem:

Running campaigns on 3 different channels come with 
Its own set of challenges. I miserably FAILED trying it..

Problem #1

Too Many Platforms,
Too Little Time.

You'll need to manage 3 different dashboards & accounts (Email Autoresponder, SMS Provider and Whatsapp Platform). 

This means more time spent on creating campaigns or even worse - you won't have the TIME to do it all!

Problem #2

Writing Messages That Convert Is A Nightmare!

You'll have to manually write & customize messages for each platform. Plus compose engaging content that stands out from the rest of your competitors.

This means more time spent writing, testing & editing each message - it's a nightmare!

Problem #3

Expensive Autoresponders And Platforms

You'll need to pay fees for each autoresponder and platform you use. 

This can quickly add up to hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per month just to reach out & engage with your customers.
But Still, The BIGGEST Problem Of ALL?
You keep getting BANNED, you keep getting LIMITED in your reach! 

You keep losing your lists, you keep STOPPING your campaigns.


It’s impossible to have a SUCCESSFUL & PROFITABLE business!

There has to be a BETTER, FASTER way to do all this, right? So What If I Tell You?
But Still, The BIGGEST Problem Of ALL?
You keep getting BANNED, you keep getting LIMITED in your reach! 

You keep losing your lists, you keep STOPPING your campaigns.


It’s impossible to have a SUCCESSFUL & PROFITABLE business!

There has to be a BETTER, FASTER way to do all this, right? So What If I Tell You?

We Have Found A *SECRET* Way To Leverage The Combined Power Of Email, SMS & WhatsApp And 10x Your Reach, Traffic & Sales All From ONE-Single Dashboard!

..And That Too Without Writing, Without
Getting Stuck, Without Getting Banned,

Without Any Monthly Fee?

This is the same *SECRET* system I and many of my clients use on a daily basis to 10x our reach, traffic & sales.

If you just keep relying on those outdated methods anymore, one thing for sure - You'll keep getting LIMITED in your reach, you'll keep getting BANNED & you will NEVER be able to DOMINATE your market.

Only dumb people are still relying on outdated methods and are STUCK with their COLD, DEAD & BORING subscribers.

“Today I'm Going To Show You How To UNLOCK the power of
 AI-powered multi-channel Autoresponder 
And DOMINATE Your Market With UNLIMITED Reach Across 
Email, SMS & WhatsApp - All From A Single Dashboard!”

Email Marketing


Just a year back, things were very different for me. I was generating $500-$1000/day in affiliate commissions, sales and consulting fees by just sending a few emails to my list.

It was EASY! I would simply send an email & BOOM... The sales would come rolling in! Life was good!

But then I saw a DRASTIC decline in my business.

My delivery rates, open rates & click rates were all down drastically. I was still making sales, but the number had gone down to just a FRACTION of what it used to be.

A WhatsApp Message From "DOMINOS"

 Changed EVERYTHING For Me!

One day, out of the blue, I got a WhatsApp message from Dominos. They were running a 50% discount weekend promotion & I was shocked to see that they were using WhatsApp as their primary communication channel.

I ordered an "ExtravaganZZa Feast Pizza" & WOW what a great experience it was! I could see why they were using WhatsApp as their primary communication channel - FAST, PERSONAL, ENGAGING.

Not just that I realised they also sent me emails, SMS and also called me to follow up. Even if I had missed their WhatsApp message, I was sure to get the message in one of my other channels.

That's When It Clicked In My Head!

The Power Of Multi-Channel Marketing!

When I looked around, it was not just Dominos, but many other companies were also using the same Multi-Channel approach to reach out to their customers & subscribers.

Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, Walmart - They all were using a combination of channels like Email, SMS & WhatsApp to get maximum reach and engagement.

I had to know if I could use this same power to
reach out to MY subscribers & customers.

That's When It Clicked In My Head!

The Power Of Multi-Channel Marketing!

When I looked around, it was not just Dominos, but many other companies were also using the same Multi-Channel approach to reach out to their customers & subscribers.

Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, Walmart - They all were using a combination of channels like Email, SMS & WhatsApp to get maximum reach and engagement.

I had to know if I could use this same power to
reach out to MY subscribers & customers.

But Working 3 Different Channels Was Painful And


I had to buy 3 different Autoresponders, write 3 different messages, set-up 3 different campaigns and it was a tedious task. 

For a week, I kept repeating the same thing - over & over again.

The GOOD THING was - I was making
more money :)

But the BAD THING is - it was taking up all my time & energy. 

That's when I decided - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

But Working 3 Different Channels Was Painful And


I had to buy 3 different Autoresponders, write 3 different messages, set-up 3 different campaigns and it was a tedious task. 

For a week, I kept repeating the same thing - over & over again.

The GOOD THING was - I was making
more money :)

But the BAD THING is - it was taking up all my time & energy. 

That's when I decided - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Luckily, All The ChatGPT3 & 4 Hype Gave
Me The Breakthrough I Needed!

Problem Writing Emails & Texts.

This is the time everyone was talking about ChatGPT3 - a revolutionary Artificial Intelligence that can talk to you directly like a human and answer all kinds of questions or queries.

I HAD to try it! So I got my hands on ChatGPT3.

And WOW! I don't have to manually write all the emails & text anymore!

I called up my development team and we got to work.

After months of hard work & dedication, Finally We Launched

tHE AI-Powered Multi-Channel Autoresponder!

It was a GAME CHANGER for me and my business.


The World's 1st ChatGPT-Powered Multi-Channel Autoresponder 
That Combines The POWER Of Email, SMS & WhatsApp To SKYROCKET Your 
Reach, Sales & Profits!

Plus, our intelligent AI writes all your emails, SMS messages, whatsapp messages in seconds without having to manually write them yourself.

Ready For Massive Traffic & Commissions? Start Here:

(Free Commercial License + Low ONE Time Price During Launch Period Only)

Create, Schedule & Broadcast Unlimited Messages Across
Multi-Channels & Start DOMINATING Your Market


Upload Your Existing List Or Collect Leads Using Our 3-in-1 Auto Opt-in Tech For Email, SMS, Whatsapp.

Use Our ChatGPT powered algorithm to write unique, high-converting, sales getting messages & emails in just seconds.

Broadcast our Messages & Emails Across ALL Channels Instantly With A Single Click. Skyrocket Your Profits & Grow Your Business 24X7!

Create, Schedule & Broadcast Unlimited Messages Across
Multi-Channels & Start DOMINATING Your Market


Upload Your Existing List Or Collect Leads Using Our 3-in-1 Auto Opt-in Tech For Email, SMS, Whatsapp.

Use Our ChatGPT powered algorithm to write unique, high-converting, sales getting messages & emails in just seconds.

Broadcast our Messages & Emails Across ALL Channels Instantly With A Single Click. Skyrocket Your Profits & Grow Your Business 24X7!

See How Easy It Is to Use AI MultiMarketer


AI MultiMarketer Will Do ALL Of The Following (And More)

Awesome Features:

Send UNLIMITED Email, SMS, Whatsapp Messages Every Month!

With AI MultiMarketer, you can send unlimited Emails, SMS messages & WhatsApp messages to all your customers & subscribers. You will never have to worry about limited reach & restrictions ever again. Get your messages delivered to an unlimited number of customers & subscribers.

Upload UNLIMITED Contacts And Broadcast To Them Instantly

Create your contacts list, upload it and start messaging your prospects and customers across multiple channels within minutes. This makes setting up campaigns a breeze!

Schedule Your Messages & Emails For Any Time In The Future

You can also schedule your messages & emails to go out at a specific time, so that you don't have to worry about sending them manually. This helps in increasing your reach and saves a ton of time!

NEVER SEEN BEOFRE - Capture Leads With Our 3-in-1 Opt-In Auto Tech

Capture new leads and build your list with our 3-in-1 opt-in technology. You can collect leads from emails, SMS & WhatsApp with a single opt-in form. So you can create lists for Email, SMS & Whatsapp all at once from the same form! This makes collecting leads a breeze and helps you increase your reach drastically!

Create UNLIMITED Campaigns & Messages

You can now create UNLIMITED campaigns & messages with AI MultiMarketer, across multiple channels - Email, SMS & WhatsApp. All you need to do is choose your template, fill in the information and you are good to go!

Intelligent AI Chatbot That Writes Unique, High-Converting Messages In Seconds

Don't have time to manually write messages? Not to worry! With our intelligent AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT3, you can create unique, high-converting messages in just seconds. This ensures that your messages are perfectly tailored to your audience and increases conversions!

Automatically REPLY To All Your Messages & Emails Without Any Manual Intervention

Never worry about manually replying to messages & emails again. With AI MultiMarketer, you can configure it to automatically respond to all incoming messages & emails without any manual intervention. So you can save time and focus on other important tasks!

Get DONE FOR YOU Templates & ChatGPT Prompts To Start Right Away!

Confused about what to write or how to create templates? Don't worry, we have you covered! You can get access to Done-For-You templates and ChatGPT Prompts that are proven to work. So you can start engaging with your customers & subscribers right away!

Save Your High Converting Emails, SMS & Whatsapp As Templates - Use Your Messages Across Multiple Campaigns

You can also save your messages & emails as templates and reuse them across multiple campaigns. This helps you to stay consistent with your messaging, while saving time and effort. If you find a good performing, high converting message, you can reuse it across multiple campaigns and get better results!

Add Free SMTP Accounts With Multiple Providers – No More Restrictions & Limitations

You can add unlimited Free SMTP accounts with multiple providers for a seamless emailing experience. Which means you don't have to pay for SMTP accounts or worry about any restrictions or limitations. Follow our simple setup process, and you are ready to go!

Track Your Results In Real Time With Insights & Reports 

Easily track the performance of your campaigns in real-time with insights & reports. You can see who opened your messages, which messages got more conversions and more! Use this data to improve your messaging and increase conversions.

Download Your Lists & Contacts Anytime With NO Restrictions

You can now download your lists & contacts anytime with NO restrictions. This helps you to keep all your important data secure and accessible, anytime you need it. So you can quickly segment and target your customers with no hassle!

Get Approval To All Our Offers + Done For Your Campaigns 

Get approved to all our offers, plus Done For You campaigns that you can instantly monetise your lists. These campaigns have generated thousands of dollars in revenue and now you can use the same campaigns to start generating income too! Just select your campaign, enter the necessary details and you are ready to go!


Here're The MAJOR BENEFITS You Will 
Get From AI MultiMarketer:

Dominate Your Market By Combining
The Power Of Email, SMS & Whatsapp

While everyone else is stuck to just one of these channels, you can reap the benefits of ALL THREE and enjoy limitless reach & sales! With AI MultiMarketer, you can reach out to your customers across multiple channels like Email, SMS, Whatsapp - all from the same dashboard!

Be The First To Market With This
Breakthrough ChatGPT Technology

Be one of the first to use this ChatGPT-Powered Autoresponder and leverage cutting edge AI technology & automation to skyrocket your sales. There is no one else in the market who has this feature! Stand out with AI MultiMarketer and be seen as a leader in your space.

Affiliate Friendly Platform - Get Full Control, No Bans, No Restrictions

No matter if you're an affiliate marketer or a product creator, AI MultiMarketer gives you full control over your campaigns and helps you increase your reach & sales. Unlike other platforms, we don't ban accounts or put restrictions on how many messages can be sent - so go ahead and unleash the power of AI-Powered Autoresponder!

Never Worry About Writing Emails 
& Texts Again, AI Does It For You

Say goodbye to manually writing emails & texts. Our intelligent AI-powered algorithm helps you generate unique, high-converting messages in seconds so you can get your messages out quickly. Not a copywriter? Can't write persuasive emails? No problem. AI MultiMarketer takes care of that for you!

Save Tons Of Time By Automating
The Entire Process

Eliminate the hassle of creating, scheduling & broadcasting messages and emails on different channels. AI MultiMarketer takes care of all these processes in just a few clicks, saving you tons of time & energy!

Save THOUSANDS Of Dollars On MONTHLY Autoresponders & Copywriters

AI MultiMarketer eliminates the need for expensive monthly autoresponders & copywriters, allowing you to save thousands of dollars every month! Money that you can invest in other parts of your business. Or simply keep it in your pocket, spend it on family instead.

Reach More Customers & Skyrocket Your Sales & Profits

Email just reaches out to 5-20% of your leads. But with AI MultiMarketer, you can reach out to 70-90% of your customers & leads across multiple channels like Email, SMS & WhatsApp. Which automatically means more sales, conversions & profits!

Super Simple To Use, No Tech 
Skills Or Experience Needed

Our software is super simple to use, and you don't need any tech skills or experience to get started. Just follow our step by step training and you will be up and running in no time.

It's Suitable For Complete Newbie
& Experienced Marketers Alike

Our software is so easy to use that even absolute beginners can start using it right away and benefit from the power of automation & AI. Experienced marketers can use it to amplify their existing campaigns and make more money with less effort.


We don't just give you a product and walk away. We do our best to keep improving the product. We will continue to release new features and updates for free into the future!

24X7 Support & 100% Uptime Guaranteed

Our team is always available to help. Whether you need help finding the perfect image or video or have a question about any of our products, we're here to assist you



But I am not stopping with just this, because I want you to succeed with your online business. 

Therefore, I am going to help you out even more by offering additional 
bonuses that can help increase your results..
(will be stripped off after launch period is over)


Commercial Licence 

(During Launch Period Only)

The commercial licence lets you use AI MultiMarketer campaigns for your clients projects. You can offer your services to clients and make money with no restrictions. Sell your services on freelance sites like Fiverr and make bank!

(Value $297)


5 Done-For-You Campaigns

(During Launch Period Only)

We will give you 5 done-for-you campaigns that have been tested over time and have generated amazing results. You can use them as a starting point and edit them as needed. This will save you tons of time and help get over any mental block in creating your campaigns.

(Value $97)


100 ChatGPT Prompts

Here are 100+ prompts to help you in various aspects of marketing and ace the marketing game with ChatGPT. 
You can write email sequences, cold emails, newsletters and launch your email campaign in minutes with the help of tools like ChatGPT.

(Value $97)

Ai Multi Marketer Is The


Newbies & Affiliate Marketers who want to increase their affiliate commissions.

Email marketers & list builders who want to leverage SMS & Whatsapp marketing to boost their profits.

Bloggers & Content Creators who want to engage their audience across multiple channels.

Ecommerce Store Owners who want to reach more customers & increase sales.

Local Business Owners who want to attract more clients & customers.

Coaches, consultants & course creators who want to stay in constant touch with their clients & students.

Agencies & Freelancers who want to offer multi-channel marketing services to their clients.

Social Media Marketers who want to leverage SMS & Whatsapp marketing to boost their results.

Anyone Who Wants To SKYROCKET Their Reach, Sales & Profits! It doesn't matter what niche you're in or what your business goals are... AI MultiMarketer will help you achieve them faster & easier than ever before.

So, How Can We Afford To Sell It For Such


Because, this is a limited-time, one-time offer. After the launch, we will be increasing the price to match other video platforms i.e. we will TURN INTO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION MODEL.

We need lots of resources to run this business and we need to make sure we can continue to make it available for all of you.

And this way we will be able to support our operations more effectively, have enough resources for new features & develop the platform further.

Remember the low one-time price will NEVER be offered again. You will lose out big if you don't grab this deal now!

There Is No Risk. You Are Covered By Our


If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days of buying AI MultiMarketer, we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. 

That’s how confident we are in the power of this revolutionary software.

All the risk is on us. However, we are sure that you'll love AI MultiMarketer so much and see the value in it that you won't ask for a refund.

Don't Delay, You Know It Can CHANGE Your Life!


Thank You,

To Your Success,

Don't hesitate to get AI MultiMarketer right now. The sooner you buy the more money you save. Plus you are covered by my No Questions Asked 30 day money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose.
All the risk is on me. You are 100% covered.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by, or you will regret it later. AI MultiMarketer is the best, fastest & easiest way to make commissions with minimum effort & No risk.

If you don't take action, you know things will stay the same. You'll still waste time and money on products that don't work. You'll be stuck hoping for a solution, hoping to finally make some money online.

So, don't let that happen to you. Don't regret getting the AI MultiMarketer at a higher price, or worse, don't regret it when it's off the market. Get your copy now!


Do I need to download anything to use AI MultiMarketer?

No. AI MultiMarketer is completely cloud-based. Login from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and use it.

Is there a monthly fee?

No, once you buy AI MultiMarketer, you don't have to pay a monthly fee. AI MultiMarketer is a one-time purchase product.

What happens after the launch period?

The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.

Can I have a refund?

We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of AI MultiMarketer than what you pay us.
However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

What about the future updates?

You won't pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you'll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.

 What if I have other questions?

You can ask us your product related question as well as anything about our company or services by emailing us at

Get Started Now & Unlock The Power of AI-Powered Multi-Channel Autoresponder. Let's Go! 

The materials provided on are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you. The level of success you reach employing these techniques and ideas is entirely dependent upon you; your skills, your financial resources, your advertising and marketing knowledge and your time that you devote to becoming successful. Because of these reasons, we cannot guarantee your earnings level nor do we in any way whether directly or indirectly do so.

Copyright 2024 © VocalVibes AI. All rights reserved.